Designers should target Location-Based Game players, incorporating LGA elements into the game's narrative to enhance immersion and minimize nuisance costs.
About this paper
The author investigates the impact of Location-Based Game Advertising (LGA) by using Pokémon GO as a case study, revealing that LGA serves as a digital billboard and enhances player agency.
The study also finds that positive memorability is linked to the match between physical reality and points of interest, and that ludic engagement mediates location memorability.
Here are some methods used in this study:
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“Interestingly, sentiment towards LGA in the game was generally positive, particularly regarding sponsored locations. Non-LGA advertising modalities, in contrast, are less than cherished by our participants. Our participants (19/27) particularly disliked banner ads and pop-up video ads. Tom (P27) thought the addition of banner ads would be "horrible" because "it just eats up screen real estate and takes away from the game." For Tom (P27), an always-on banner ad would distract from the hitherto (...)” (Section 4.3: FINDINGS)
Dunham, J., Papangelis, K., Boulanger, C., Lalone, N., Nika, E. [Lina, Saker, M., & Schwartz, D. (2023). Building Positively Affective Location-Based Advertising: A Study of Pokémon GO Players. Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1, 1–19.