Designers should target new users by simplifying wallet interfaces to highlight system states, account verification, buying crypto, and transaction features to avoid confusion.
About this paper
The author conducted a study with 34 participants to explore the challenges that first-time cryptocurrency users face, finding that even popular wallets are not suitable for novices.
They argue that addressing these user interface and specific issues is crucial for the HCI community to build better cryptocurrency systems for new users.
Here are some methods used in this study:
Which part of the paper did the design guideline come from?
“User Interfaces Are Not Optimized For Novice Users. User Interfaces offer rich functionality, overloading new users with information without adequately emphasizing the primary actions the user is looking for. At the same time the system status is only poorly reflected in the user interface and critical information for new users -i.e. account verification status -is hidden in setting menus. Ambiguous System Status. To interact with a system, users generally need to answer two questions: (1) (...)” (Section 4.1.1: User Interface Challenges)
Froehlich, M., Wagenhaus, M. R., Schmidt, A., & Alt, F. (2021). Don’t Stop Me Now! Exploring Challenges Of First-Time Cryptocurrency Users. Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2021.