Extending interaction capabilities.

Designers should enhance interaction designs by incorporating extra sensors to ensure compatibility and attract audiences, especially for diverse platforms and devices.

About this paper

The author introduces Metaphoraction, a tool that aids in creating gesture-based interactions with metaphorical meanings by connecting gestures, actions, objects, and meanings.

Five design experts confirmed its efficacy in enhancing creativity and productivity during the ideation process, supported by a dataset of 588,770 unique design idea candidates.

Here are some methods used in this study:

Literature Survey Crowdsourced Study

Which part of the paper did the design guideline come from?

“All five experts express enthusiasm for using Metaphoraction in generative ideation. Overall, they report that Metaphoraction improves the creativity of design ideas compared to past experiences by counting the number of ideas generated. Their unique experience includes gaining inspiring options for novel interaction design and potential meanings extended beyond the initial input. Moreover, experts feel that their productivity benefits from detailed descriptions, which supports verifying (...)” (Section 8.3: Evaluation on Metaphoraction)

Sun, Z., Wang, S., Liu, C., & Ma, X. (2022). Metaphoraction: Support Gesture-based Interaction Design with Metaphorical Meanings. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 29(5), 1–33.

Inspiration and scope

In this paper, the authors focused on the characteristics of designers for social media or web applications, and promotion spots or stand-alone machines related to gesture-based interactions on interactive devices.

You're designing subtle hand gestures for image exploration tailored for blind and low-vision individuals. The design context and the paper's are similar, emphasizing effective, intuitive gesture-based interactions. Insights from public gesture-based systems offer valuable information on fluidity and intuitiveness, adaptable for blind and low-vision users.

Also, they are similar in that both require high precision and responsiveness of interaction mechanisms. In public contexts, these qualities enhance user experience and engagement. For blind and low-vision design, they ensure accurate feedback and reliable interactions for effective image exploration.

By leveraging these similarities, consider designing an adaptive gesture-based interface with advanced sensors and precise gesture recognition for blind and low-vision individuals. Interactions become intuitive and seamless, facilitating easy image navigation, providing immediate feedback, and ensuring privacy and data security.

Your input

  • What: subtle hand gestures for image exploration
  • Who: blind and low-vision individuals
  • Design stage: Research, Ideation, Evaluation

Understanding users

The following user needs and pain points may apply to your design target as well:

Design Intuitive Gesture-Based Interactions

For both designers and users of gesture-based systems, clear, intuitive gestures can make interactions more effective and satisfying. Designers should create gestures easily understood and executed by end-users, ensuring a seamless and accessible experience.

Ensure Gesture Responsiveness and Precision

High responsiveness and precision in gesture-based interactions are critical for user satisfaction. Ensuring that gestures are accurately recognized and provide immediate feedback can improve the usability and reliability of the system, essential for a positive user experience.

Design ideas

Consider the following components for your design:


Incorporate haptic feedback to ensure users can confirm successful gestures.


Utilize machine learning algorithms to adapt gesture recognition to individual user patterns.


Implement robust data encryption to ensure all user interactions and data are securely managed.

Methods for you

Consider the following method(s) used in this paper for your design work:

Literature Survey on Common Mobile and Wearable Gestures

Using a comprehensive literature survey can help identify existing, widely-accepted gestures for mobile and wearable devices, ensuring the gestures are user-friendly and feasible. Designers should focus on interactions that are already supported by available sensors to ensure usability and accessibility within their target context.

Crowdsourced Study on Action and Object Collection

A crowdsourced study can provide a wide range of user interpretations of gestures, actions, and associated objects, helping ensure the design is intuitive and meaningful for users. Designers should consider the diversity of responses to balance creativity with universally understandable interactions.

Metrics for you

Consider the following metric(s) used in this paper to evaluate your design work:

User Satisfaction

User satisfaction can provide insights into how effectively subtle hand gestures facilitate image exploration for blind and low-vision individuals. Ensure to gather detailed feedback on specific gesture interactions to refine and adjust the design to meet user preferences.

Creativity Support Index

The Creativity Support Index (CSI) can help evaluate the tool's ability to foster creativity during gesture-based interaction design. It assesses factors like exploration, expressiveness, and enjoyment. Tailor the CSI questionnaire to your specific design goals and user's context to get relevant insights.

[Figure 3] From this figure, you can understand the overall research workflow and methodologies that could inspire how to structure your own investigation into subtle hand gestures for image exploration.