Designers should ensure faculty, staff, and students understand GenAI’s workings, limitations, and usage conditions to ensure responsible and effective implementation.
About this paper
The author proposes a 'points to consider' approach for responsibly adopting generative AI in higher education, emphasizing the need to align this adoption with the sector's values and structure.
This approach was developed through a semester-long interdisciplinary effort at the University of Pittsburgh, which identified six key normative considerations for the responsible use and governance of AI in academia.
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Which part of the paper did the design guideline come from?
“Users should also consider the conditions under which the output of GenAI would be used. When the output is to be used without or with only minimal human review, plans for its use warrant rigorous scrutiny. Were a GenAI application to be employed with minimal human oversight prior to its output having material effect, the stakes involved should be low (e.g., employing a chatbot to answer a basic inquiry may warrant little concern, while evaluating an employment application and rejecting an (...)” (Section 5.3: 5.3 Pragmatic Points to Consider for GenAI Policy Development in Higher Education)
Dotan, R., Parker, L. S., & Radzilowicz, J. (2024). Responsible Adoption of Generative AI in Higher Education: Developing a “Points to Consider” Approach Based on Faculty Perspectives. The 2024 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency.